When Life Has Us on the Run! What do we do when life has us on the run? In this story of an event early on in the life of Jesus, we learn that God always has a better plan and provides personalized guidance to get us there. Trust a God you haven’t trusted. Pray a prayer you haven't prayed. Take a step you haven't taken.

When the Unthinkable Happens. What do we do when the unimaginable unexpectedly happens in our lives? Those events that take us completely by surprise and knock the wind out of us. Through her tears, Rachel sees a promise of great hope. God understands when we get broken and draws us to Him in our loss. See how He does this!

Living in God’s Plan! Jesus grew up in a real family. Life was hard for Joseph and Mary. From the moment of His birth they lived in fear, uncertainty and an unknown future. In their lives and in their character, we find the inspiration to face our own fears and uncertainties. Come to get to know them! Come to fall in love with them!



Winning the Race!


Christmas Miracles!