The Heavens Were Opened! Have you ever found yourself in an impossible place with no way out? Have you ever wondered if God is really near and present in your life? God comes to us when we least expect. When we feel lost and alone, He is present, and strengthens us in our moments of greatest need!

I Saw Visions of God. God comes to Ezekiel in his time of greatest need. He is empty and alone. God reveals His power, presence and promise, in some amazing imagery. Ezekiel finds he is not alone. God gives him hope and encouragement in his captivity.

The Spirit Entered Me! Ezekiel is lost and alone in exile. He has lost everything! He is without hope. Yet, when he least expects, God comes to him and offers three words of hope and encouragement. Look Up! Listen Up! Fill Up!

How Does God Speak to Us? That’s an important question. He speaks to us through His Word, the wise counsel of Godly people and through the inner promptings and leadings of the Holy Spirit. Stu Boehmig guides us in a careful look at how God uses each of these three ways to communicate daily to us.

Facing Adversity in Our Lives! How does God use adversity and brokenness for good in our lives? What do we do when really bad things happen in our lives? In this stunning passage, Ezekiel’s wife dies. See why and how he deals with this loss.

How Do We Find Hope in Life? How does God give hope and encouragement to our lives? Ezekiel sees the people as a valley of dry, dead bones. God sees something else. He sees the need for restoration and new life. He is about to give them a great gift to see them through their brokenness and failure.

Faith Always Wins! How does God work in our lives? And what is the true nature and character of personal faith. In a dramatic story, in the book of Daniel, we see three men and a great King in a great confrontation over faith. The good news: faith always wins. Always!

How Does God Change Us for the Good? How does God change us for the good when bad things happen? Jacob is the grabber. He wants everything. God sees him in a different way and wants to bless him far beyond his greatest dreams.

I Am Joseph! When bad things happen, how does God put the pieces of the puzzle of our lives back together. Life is like a great picture puzzle. With so many moving pieces, we want to know what the puzzle looks like when it’s finished. Only God knows.


Gaining the Prize


Winning the Race!