Our Ministry is Twofold:
Online and Study Travel

We are located in Pawleys Island, SC,
an iconic beach community
north of Charleston, SC.

We are committed to advancing the Kingdom of God
through these ministries:

Weekly Video Messages, which provide practical Biblical teaching.

Travel Experiences, of the lives of the Apostle Paul and Martin Luther.

 A personal word from Stu:

“It took me a long time to realize that Christianity
is both relational and consequential.”

Christianity is relational. God wants to have a personal relationship with you and me. Christianity is not just a set of duties, rules, regulations and standards all designed to place me in a position of special standing or favor before God. That is religion. Religion is spelled D-O. It is something I do to win God’s favor. Religion says I do religious things. I get Baptized, attend church, believe in the general notion that God exists and attempt to lead a morally successful life. Religion says God grades on a curve, and on the curve I’m doing ok. I’m not as good as some but I'm not as bad as most. I deserve to be in the front half of the line. That is religion.

Christianity is spelled D-O-N-E. It is not something I do. It is something that God has DONE for me through His son Jesus Christ. All I need to do is place my faith in Jesus. He does what I couldn’t do. He pays the price for my fallenness and restores me to a life-giving relationship with my heavenly Father. It took me a long time to understand this simple truth.

Our faith is a living, busy, active, mighty thing.
— Martin Luther

Christianity is consequential. Our faith is more than a spiritual enhancement to life. It is more than something nice people do. It makes a difference. It is a lifestyle. It is moving from a good idea to something that is active and alive. It is life shaping. It changes the trajectory of how we think and live.

Our relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ provides a world view that speaks to our hearts and our minds. It offers an ultimate truth source to understand all of life from an infinite, eternal vantage point and perspective. God gives us a truth that is revealed. It stands outside of us. We don’t rely on our own instincts, feelings or insights, as valuable as they may be. We trust that there is a God and this God has spoken and revealed Himself to us in His Holy Scriptures. We find that truth to be life changing. It is consequential.