Stu Boehmig Stu Boehmig

The Power of a Personal Mission Statement

It has been said, ”If you don’t know where you are going, you will get there real fast!” In this article, Stu Boehmig helps us understand the power and importance of a Personal Mission Statement for our lives. And he helps us find one that is unique to each of us.

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Stu Boehmig Stu Boehmig

One Simple Choice

It took me a long time to understand the difference between Christianity and religion. Once I did, I had one simple choice that changed the rest of my life. For the good!

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Stu Boehmig Stu Boehmig

Consequential Christianity

The room at the Wartburg Castle in Eisleben, where Luther hid out from church authorities in the winter of 1521/22. As he hid, he translated the Bible from Latin into common German. It was smuggled to Guttenberg who printed it for all to read. The Bible spread like wildfire throughout Europe.

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