“How God Works In Our Lives!” The birth of Jesus shows us that God is real, alive and active in our lives. Only sometimes we can't see Him at work. He seems silent, distant and far away. What do we do then?

“Finding Our Way in the Darkness!” There are times when all of us find ourselves wandering in the darkness. The good news is that God has not left us alone. He provides personalized guidance for us, even in the most difficult of times. Watch, wait and worship!

God Wants To Be Near and Close To You! Our God is a God who wants to be near and close to us. We know this because his name is Jesus. If you think giving a name to a new born baby is a big deal, imagine giving a name to God’s very own Son. Who named Him, why is He called Jesus and what does His name mean for you and me this Christmas? It’s a very big deal. Check it out!

The Wonders of His Love! For some, the Christmas Season is about as hard as it gets. That's why the birth of Jesus is God’s permanent reminder that He has been on a crusade since the beginning of history to convince people like you and me, that no matter where we find ourselves or what the status of our lives, He wants to be near and close to us. This is the wonder of His love.


The Early Years of Jesus: 3 Part Series


The Miracle of Thanks Giving!