1. The Mysterious Holy Spirit - The Trinity Explained!
We can’t understand the Holy Spirit unless we understand the Holy Trinity. In this message, Stu unlocks the Trinity in clear, simple terms as the beginning point for an understanding of the mystery of how the Holy Spirit works, lives and dwells in us.
2. The Mysterious Holy Spirit - Looking into the Mind of God. Imagine, the very power of God is available and dwells within us through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person, is the creative power of God at creation, reveals the very mind and thoughts of God, and reveals the ultimate the truth source of life to us
3. The Mysterious Holy Spirit – The Comforter Within.
Jesus said a great shift was about to take place. He said He was leaving, but before he does, He was going to ask the Father to give His followers something so magnificent, powerful and extraordinary, that it would be better for Him to leave, so that they could receive this great indwelling gift. While I am with you, I can’t be in you, but if I am no longer with you, I can be in you. He is speaking about the amazing ministry of the Holy Spirit.
4. The Mysterious Holy Spirit - Receive the Holy Spirit! An unexpected event takes place between Jesus and his closest followers immediately following the resurrection in the Upper Room. They are hiding in fear and he appears in power. He is there to reveal to them a special gift and to tell them, “Receive the Holy Spirit!”
5. The Mysterious Holy Spirit - Drawing Near to the Spirit! How amazing to imagine that the power present at the creation of the world, and the power that raised Jesus from the dead, is available to you and me! We were not meant to live in this life alone. We were made to have the Holy Spirit live and dwell in our mind and heart. Before we experience this kind of power, Jesus tells us there are three gifts which prepare us for this reality.
6. The Mysterious Holy Spirit - Like a Mighty Wind! We live in a new age, the end of the ages, the last of days. There is no more exciting time to be alive for the believer. We have a truth to believe in and a calling to live out. There is only one more event to happen in the history of salvation. The return of Jesus. Let’s get in the game!