Forgiven! The first word is about forgiveness. If you have a broken relationship with God or family members and friends, listen to what Jesus has to say to you and me.

Forsaken! Only by Jesus being forsaken on the cross do we receive the ultimate blessing of God, a complete sense of inner tranquility and peace.

Completed! On the cross, if Jesus wins, we win! In every area of our lives we win. Jesus gives a final status report on the mission He was sent to accomplish. He wins and we win.

Comforted! God is never to busy running the universe to stop and care for you and me. In this tender word, Jesus cares for His mother and His most beloved disciple.

Fulfilled! Ever wonder how much God cares for you. This much Jesus says and opens His arms on the cross. Here He expresses that all He was sent to do is fulfilled!

Released! On the day Jesus died, four things happened. It got dark, the veil of the temple was ripped in half, there was a great earthquake and the tombs of the Saints were opened and they came into Jerusalem three days later. Find out why.




The Triumphal Entry of Jesus


Why Are We So Divided?