What Happens After Life? Have you had a friend or family member who is no longer with us? Have you ever wondered what happens next? One thing we all have in common is that life is the one thing we can’t get out of alive. That’s why it’s important to have some answers. In this message, you will find some practical answers to one of life's most difficult questions. What happens when I die?

There’s No Place Like Home! Heaven is indescribable, without flaw, full of light, pain free, home and free of charge. Not a bad place to spend eternity. I believe you will find this message to be of great hope to you and anyone who is facing the ultimate question, “What happens when I die?” You may want to pass it along. And one day, you and I will want to know the answers this message provides as well.

 There’s No Place Like Hell! Jesus teaches that the moment we die we are headed in one of two destinations. Heaven, is so good that there’s nothing on earth good enough to compare with it. The other, is so bad, it can only be described in contrast to Heaven. Jesus warned over and over to know about the two places. If you don’t, could cost you everything.

Navigating the Seasons of Life! In this series, we’ve been asking what happens in the Afterlife? In this video, we want to ask how we should live "on this side" of the afterlife, in the here and now. What are the seasons of life and how can we how can we find contentment and fulfillment as we live them?

Caring for Aging Parents and Loved Ones! In this series, we’ve been asking what happens in the Afterlife? In this video, we ask how can we care for aging parents and loved ones “on this side”of the Afterlife? Learn five key principles of how to navigate this challenging season of life with balance and perspective.

Life’s Most Important Question! Of all the questions in life, there is one question that stands above all the rest. It is the question of the Afterlife and eternity. One day we will ask one final question. It will be the most important question we will ever answer. Our eternal destiny will be determined by how we answer that question. This message provides an answer to the one great and final question!


How to Become a Christian!


David: The Ultimate Overcomer (Series)