For God So Loved the World!
Have you noticed the interest in 23andMe, the DNA ancestry company? Through DNA samples, we want to know who we are and where we came from. There seems to be tremendous interest in our ancestry. It’s no different when it comes to our spiritual ancestry. That’s why the most famous verse in the Bible traces our spiritual ancestry from Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. If you think you know this verse, there may be a lot more to it than you might think.
That Whosoever Believes in Him!
There’s more to John 3:16 than being the most famous verse in the Bible. There’s a little-noticed back story that takes us to Egypt and the Exodus. John makes sure that we understand what Moses has to do with Jesus, and it’s not just as a lawgiver. Moses unlocks the key to the verse for us. If you have missed it, then this message is for you!