1. Three Exceptional Names! God has uniquely handcrafted your life and mine for a specific reason. Paul was careful made for the purpose of God.
2. One Unexpected Title! Paul has three names, a Greek, a Roman and a Hebrew name. This uniquely qualifies him for the role as the most significant of all the Apostles.
3. The Great Part about Grace! Grace is directly related to peace. And Paul says that peace can only come from God.
4. I Found Peace! True, deep, inward peace only comes from the grace of God. Paul tells us how to find it!
5. I Am Astonished! Paul’ talks about the most misunderstood concept in the Christian faith. If you want to understand his message, this is it.
7. Paul’s Surprising Guest. Paul comes to Jerusalem with a Gentile convert. This is a great moment in the history of the early church.
9. Paul’s Great Explanation! God has a plan for us to follow. He tells us everything we need to know to face whatever life throws at us.
11. What’s Up with Moses? If Abraham is the father of our faith, what does Moses have to do with our story? Not much, Or does he?
6. Paul’s Amazing Conversion. God was at work in Paul’s life from before he was born. God works in the good and bad to find our purpose for living.
8. Peter’s Great Discovery. Peter has an amazing experience with the Spirit of God. Lapses into some old habits and makes a great discovery.
10. Who Tricked You? Have you ever wondered how to tell what is true and what is fake. Paul takes on counterfeit Christianity.
12. God Will Provide! Have you ever wondered if God will provide for you. Abraham finds out God can be fully trusted to meet his deepest needs.